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Kitten Obsessed with Food


QUESTION: I just adopted a 9 week old kitten from a local shelter.  She is very sweet and loving, and very quickly acclimated to her new home.  However, she is obsessed with people food.  The first meal I had after I brought her home made me very concerned.  She kept coming at my plate like a bull, no matter how many times I moved her or said "No".  She meows at the top of her lungs and is so fixated on getting to the food, it's like she's in a trance.  So far, I have had to put her in her carrier while I eat - and she cries.  What can I do to change this obsession?

ANSWER: Hi Kristan,

It sounds like she needs some extra nutrients in her food. I am attaching a recipe for kitty glop. This stuff will give her lots of the extra stuff she needs. If she is getting what she needs she won't bother you except for a treat every now and then. Feed her this stuff when you eat. You will have peace and quiet then.

Also make sure you feed her a good quality dry kitten food. Something that is low or no grain. Something like Wellness or Innova or Evo. These types of foods will also help her get what she needs. Good luck.

Ciao, Karen


1 can evaporated milk (not sweetened condensed)
2 tbsp. plain yogurt (not low or non fat)
2 tbsp. mayonnaise (real not light or No-Fat)
1 tbs. Karo Syrup (light)
1 pkg. Knox gelatin
1 egg yolk (beaten, )
1 cup Pedialyte (unflavored)
1-2 jars Stage One Baby food (chicken or turkey)

Mix milk, yogurt, mayonnaise, baby food, and syrup together well. Bring 1 cup pedialyte to boil and mix in Knox gelatin. Set aside. Mix egg yolk with small amount of milk mixture and beat well.

Add gelatin and pedialyte to milk mixture and beat well. Add in egg yolk mixture and beat well. Remember to not use egg substitute and keep egg white to a minimum.

Pour into bowl (with cover) and set in refrigerator. Glop will last for two weeks covered in refrigerator. Try freezing the mixture in ice cube trays and store the cubes in the freezer, thaw as many as needed.
Always warm glop to room temperature ,(milk form), or a little warmer, before feeding.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks for your response.  She has been on Wellness kitten formula since I have had her in my home.  (5 days)  Should I continue the crating while I eat at home as well, or try a water spray bottle to deter the fixation?

Hi Kristan,

Great food for her. You can crate her but I would feed her a wet food while you eat instead. Give her a can of kitten food while you eat. This should help. Also when you give her the kitten food, add an extra tsp. or two of water in it. Cats need extra water. They have a low thirst drive. This is one way to give her extra water. Good luck.

Ciao, Karen