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cortisone side effects

20 16:41:27

What are the side effects of a cortisone injection for a cat?

Hello Markchianese,
This is probably a question best addressed by a vet.  What I do know about cortisone injections have to do with dogs.  I am not sure, though I would suspect, that some of the same side effects would apply.  A single cortisone shot is not a concern, as the condition being treated is usually worse than the cure making a cortisone shot the only relief in sight for some conditions.  However, prolonged and  repeated shots over a period of time can negativly affect the major organs.  Liver and/or kidney being affecting the most, sometimes causing extensive damage.  Your vet would be the best person to ask about this.  Usually just a phone call can answer any concerns you may have.
Good luck, and thank you for your intrest in this site.