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Manx cat wetting problem


My Manx rumpy will wet the bed, chair, etc. While in deep sleep.
Otherwise she religiously uses the kitty box. What causes this and more
important what ca we do?


You have not told me how old your Manx is or whether she is spayed.  

The first thing I would do is to have her checked out by your vet to make sure there is no urinary tract problem.  

See if her back seems shorter than most cats.  The gene that makes a Manx a rumpy does so by not allowing the tale vertebrae to develop.  Sometimes, the last couple backbone vertebrae are included in the expression of this gene.  In these cases the nerves dealing with the urinary tract may not be totally developed and she could lose control in her sleep.  As far as I know, nothing can be done about this.  You might invest in a pair of "stud pants" which are put on whole male cats who spray, much like a diaper, so they do not have to be cooped up.  In the end this is a fairly low cost, low tech solution if she cannot control her urinary tract during sleep.

Please let me know if you have any further questions.

Best regards... Norm.