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spayed cat with milk


is this normal. my cat weaned her babies. i have found them homes. she just got fixed yesterday and she has so much milk she is engorged. she seems fine and shes eating and whatnot normally. but is it ok that she still has milk? im just worried about her. please give me any advice to help her. thanks.

Hi Bunnee,

Its not really normal but your cat may have a condition known as Mammary Hyperplasia, something that usually goes away after spaying.  You could give it a couple of days and see if it goes down, but you also want to check for any redness or hotness of the teats.  If this is present it could be Mastitis, an infection of the mammary glands which needs immediate attention by a vet.
So if the area is red and hot, get to a vet immediately, if not give it a couple of days and you could even try putting some hot packs on the area, if she'll let you, to try to get the swelling down.  If it doesn't come down in a few days you'll want to take her back to the vet.