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Cats pregnancy problem


hello karen, my name is danielle my cats name is marble i took her to the vets 4 and a half weeks ago to get her spayed. half an hour after i had dropped her off i recieved a phone call saying that she is pregnant so i went to pick her up they told me her expected delivery day would be 3 and a half weeks so were a week over due now she doesn't seem to be in any pain i keep waiting for the kittens to drop but today it seems they are pushin right up near her ribs she is very firm the vet near me says he can induce her if need be do you think we are in trouble or should i just wait it out an let them come when there ready.

Hi Danielle,

Cats delivery times, like humans, can be off a little. Take her back to the vet and see how close she is to delivery. He should be able to tell you. You can make your decision then. Unless you know from him you can't really make an informed decision. Good luck.

Ciao, Karen