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abandoned kitten


Hi, I am an american living overseas. I brought a kitten home yesterday that had been left by her mother. Eyes are open- she's very dirty. There is not pet formula available in this country or a pet bottle. I am trying to feed her warmed full cream cow's milk and a little canned mashed food. All I have is a syringe. She has a good appetite but can't suck the syringe well. Will cow's milk harm her? The only other choice I have is Soymilk. The cow's milk is the not so good stuff in a boxed carton (doesn't need to be refrigerated- scary) Any advice?

well hand rearing a kitten from very young can be very tricky but is doable. It is a very complex situation and so cannot give you a full answer here. My

My best advice is to ask you to read my section on kitten care it has pages about what to feed (including home substitutes) and how etc. It is important that you go through all the pages so that you are aware of all the needs and requirements in keeping a kitten healthy.

here is the first page /kitten-care.html then follow the pages on the top right hand menu.

best wishes and good luck.
