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cats and tape


Hi this is a serious question but I'm just curious, why do I always see my cat trying to gnaw on tape? If I have opened a package or anything with tape she is constantly trying to chew on it. why is this?


I have some cats with a plastic fetish, so why not a cellophane or plastic tape fetish?  I wish I knew the answer to you question, but I cannot even begin to fathom why some cats gnaw on some types of materials vs. others.  Another common fetish that seems to go with kittens which have been taken away from their mothers too young is a wool fetish, where the cat just chews on any and all items made of wool!

We have to keep plastic shopping bags, plastic paper towel wrappers and the like away from our award winning Maine Coon (who is not lacking for anything to eat).  So, we have just gotten used to putting such things away as soon as we get home or unwrap the item.

I wish I could help you out on this one!!!!!

Best regards... Norm.