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Pregnant Cat Behaviors


Hi. We have a pregnant Kitty right now, and she's been in this stage for a while, though I wouldn't know the exact dates. My question is, what are typical behaviors for cats who are might be about to give birth? Our cat seems to be acting funny the last day and a half, and I thought this might be an issue. Thanks.

Here is a very good summary - taken from - of what to expect:

Stages of Cat Labor:
Twelve to forty-eight hours before the onset of labor your cat will seem more anxious and restless. She will often begin looking for a place to nest and have the litter. Cats that are about to go into labor will usually lick their abdomen and vagina persistently.
There is often a discharge that precedes birthing but the mother may lick it away before you see it.
You may notice that she stops eating, although some cats will eat throughout the entire process.
You may see her breathing become more rapid. In some cases the mother will sit with her mouth open and yowl loudly or pace.
As her labor progresses and uterine contractions begin she will lay on her side and frequently squat and press downward to push the kittens out.

What happens next?
The first kitten should arrive within an hour after the onset of contractions.
Additional kittens could arrive immediately or up to 2 hours in between.
Not as common, but possible after delivery of the first kitten(s) labor and contractions will cease for 24 to 48 hours and then labor will begin and more kittens will be delivered.

This website recommends that you take your cats temperature rectally to determine exactly when delivery may occur. However, if you have never done so, I don't recommend it as you could hurt her. Also, your cat should have seen the vet and you should be prepared with your vet in the event of any problems during delivery. Of course nature usually takes its course but just like humans, cats can have problematic deliveries and you should be aware that if there is a problem you can see your vet on an emergency basis in order to protect the life of your cats and her kittens.

Also, you do not mention if you intended this preganacy or what happened but, if you are not a professional breeder of pedigreed cats, please be sure to have your mom cat spayed after her delivery. There are far too many unwanted kittens who are being destroyed becasue homes cannot be found for them. If you keep the kittens please also have them fixed. If you adopt them out to others please do everything you can to encourage these people to have the kttens fixed as well.