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cat birth and mucus plug


my cat just passed within the last hour 2 large pinkish brown firm gooey things from her vagina, they were very similar to the shape of a bowel movement. she is starting to lick a lot and was restless, now she is resting. Could the things she passed been her mucus plug?

Hi Lisa,

It's difficult to say for sure without seeing them, but it sounds like your cat has probably passed a couple of placentas.  Normally, these are delivered still attached to kittens by their umbilical cord, but sometimes they become detached during labor.  You should keep a very close eye on your cat, as this could indicate potential problems with the delivery of the kittens.  If no babies are produced within an hour or so, I would contact an emergency vet to be on the safe side.  They may advise you to watch and wait, but if they suggest to bring the cat in for assistance, I would certainly do so.  An injection of oxytocin to strengthen contractions may be needed.

Some pregnancies end by what's called "fetal resorption," meaning that the pregnancy ends and the fetuses are absorbed by the mother's body.  In certain cases, the placentas are delivered, even though the kittens have been resorbed.  This happens early in pregnancies, typically before 5 weeks along.  I'm not sure how far along your cat may have been.  But if she was still early in her pregnancy, this is probably what has occurred.

Good luck to you and your cat!
