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My sisters cat!


Hello Jessica:
My sister owns a cat. The cat is English short hair. He doesn't eat his tablets. My sister tried many ways to feed him the tablets, but he never ate them. My question is that how can she do this? Once my sister gave him a parasite tablet but then he vomited it. Maybe he didn't like it! I have another question; could you please name some good and delicious parasite tablets available in France for the cat?
I hope you can help my sister with this.
Best wishes

Hi Sadra.  Many cats are very difficult to get to take their pills.  Your sister can try putting the pill in a small chunk of cold butter.  The butter helps take the bitter taste away and also makes them slide down that cat's throat more easily.  I always recommend to squirt a small amount of water into the mouth as soon as the pill is placed at the back of the throat to ensure the cat swallows it down.  She could also crush up the pills and mix them into some meat baby food.  Most cats will eat this happily, but if the kitty doesn't, the baby food mixture can be fed with a syringe.  

Unfortunately, cats are less likely than dogs to eat flavored tablets, so these are generally not made for cats.  I can't say I know of any reliable medications for deworming that cats will eat voluntarily.

Hope that helps!
