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Cat--acting crazy


My cat one of 14-15 years old..He get in these spells where he runs around like he crazy..he wants to eat all the time acts like we don't feed him and he is not gaining weight. His name is squeak..little mean but not too bad. just like to know what these fits are that he has.


Given the fact that your kitty is elderly (roughly like a person in their mid 70's) the first thing that springs to mind is that he may have a thyroid issue. Thyroid dysfunction is quite common in older cats, it's easily diagnosed by a simple blood test and it can be easily treated with medication that as far as I know is relatively inexpensive. I really would recommend that you consider having your vet perform a complete blood work up including kidney values because kidney dysfunction is a common but easily treatable ailment of elderly cats in the 10+ age category. In most practices both the thyroid and kidney values along with checking the function of all the major organs would be covered with a complete pre-anesthetic profile which could run anywhere from a little over $200 to well over $400 depending on the pricing of the individual veterinary practice. Keep in mind that preventative health care is very important at your cat's age, he should be regularly monitored by a vet that you are comfortable with to ensure continued good health into his golden years.