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I think my cat is pregnant!


My cat jumped out the third floor window but is unharmed and was out all night as i didn't know! but i think the cat down the stairs has caught her the problem is she is only 5months old herself, do you think she could probable go on to have the kittens and be healthy or will it kill her? would the vet be able to tell at such an early stage?

Its tough to tell if she is pregnant at such an early stage but I really think she is a bit young. She may not be large enough to safely deliver the kittens to term. She may suffer and the kittens not survive. In addition even if they did survive birth, she may not be ready to take care of them in any way. Its young. I think you should wait a week and then take her to the vet and have the pregnancy  terminated/aborted. It would be best. Also, please have her spayed at the same time. This is the only way to assure no pregnancies becasue as you have experienced, you never know what can happen. You should not consider breeding her really, its really something that should be left only to professionals as their is alot involved. In addition, if an accident happens, you have to realize that there are far too many unwanted kittens in the world; so many are killed every day. Finding homes takes work and much time. And you'll be competing with shelters who have too many little ones who are unwanted. Please don't become part of the problem. Do the right thing and have this terminated and get her spayed at the same time. YOu will be doing a great thing for animals.