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Cat Hair and Heat


In weather where the heat is high, like 100 degrees or less, does their fur help or hinder their ability to keep relatively cool? If you cut it just a little does that hamper their natural ability to deal with extreme heat or cold. (I don't have air conditioning, but run fans and keep the place as well ventilated as I possibly can...outside door open with fan drawing in the air, opened windows, unless I think it will draw in more heat than not).

Your reply would be deeply appreciated...they are doing fine but, obviously, don't move around a lot during the heat and rest in the direction of the open air...totally stretched out.


JimMacDonald, Salem, Oregon.

Hi Jim, Your cats feel just like you do. If you can make a room comfortable.. or at least bearable, for yourself then they will be fine. And like us they just want to stretch out and do nothing when the heat waves hit !! Cutting their hair doesn't help them at all .. although you would think it would ! But really they are regulated to their hair and are fine with it. They don't sweat and lose their body heat through their skin like we do. If you look at very tropical countries you will see animals like Llamas and camels that live fine with their coat intact. So, just try to keep things as cool as you can this summer..always leave a window open when you are out..  and we will all get through it :)