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QUESTION: My kitten has been just brought up quite a bit of undigested food. This also happened 3 days ago after she had been outside in the garden on a lead. She is 9 months old and still he usual self

ANSWER: Cats will sometimes eat grass or weed, and then be unable to digest it properly.
It will come back up, probably along with some food.. However there is *usually* (and I use the term loosely) a reason that the cat is eating grass in the first place.
What food do you feed her? A lot of cat foods out there are so low-grade, that your cat may not be getting everything she needs in her diet! This is why she eats grass or other oddities. She's looking for something that she's not getting!
This site may help you better understand how to choose high quality food.

If she was vomiting her food for no apparent reason, she may have eaten something unpleasant, and gagged. Or, it's possible, that she had a choking spell. Generally animals deal with choking spells a much different way than us -- as opposed to trying to swallow the food, they try to bring it back up. Either way, I don't think you have much to worry about.

If she's behaving normally, I think you can go about your regular day :)
Observe her closely, though, for a couple of days. If vomiting persists, and\or becomes more frequent--or is accompanied by other signs, like lethargy, diarrhea, abnormal breathing patterns etc.. you should call a vet.

Best wishes :)

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank you for your prompt reply, she has purina dried food and sheba tuna flakes. She only goes in the garden when on a lead as we have an abundance of dogs in our area. She is a long haired cat who we brush regularly at least once a day.
Yesterday she was chasing bubbles blown by my nephew and trying to eat them, could this cause vomiting?

A lot of times long haired cats groom themselves, then end up loosening a lot of hair by vigorously licking. They'll occasionally get hairballs--and trying to hack up hairballs can cause mild vomiting. Not dangerous, though.
I doubt, unless she ingested a goodly amount of the soap, a few bubbles could hurt her, or cause any reaction at all.

I think you'll find that you've got nothing to worry about...but if she the vomiting continues, or she experiences any of the aforementioned symptoms, you could get her checked out by the vet. They may find there's a underlying problem.

Happy Mothers Day!