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7 kittens 5 weeks old


I have 7 kittens that a mother cat left under a shed. We waited and watched but no Mommy, so I finaly pulled them out and we've been hand feeding since about 2 weeks old. I've keep them in a box and now a cage. I'm working on getting them litter boxed trained and weened. So far they are doing ok with the eating but, the litter box they are ignoring. With 7 they are becoming time consuming. We have a very bad humane service who will probably let them out the back door if I gave them up. I want to know if it would be ok to try to find them new homes or will they have some sort of behavior problems? How can I get them more interested in the Litter box? I'm also having problems with some of them suckeling on each other. I don't have enough room to separate them so I'm trying to keep a close eye. What should I look for if this gets out of hand? Sorry for this being so long I just wanted you to have a litte background.  Thank-you  Overwelemed!!

First of all.... *BIG HUGS*   I applaud your efforts and am SO happy you saved these youngsters.  In my personal experience I've found that simply placing them repeatedly in the box (make sure it's shallow enough for them to get into) up to 4- 5 times a day usually works.  If you find their feces, put the feces in the box followed by the kittens... one at a time.  Feel free to contact me any time
As for finding homes.... SIMPLE solution..... :D
Call (212) 876-7700, ext. 4162
or try