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Cat removed catheter prior to Cystotomy


I took my male cat into the vet 2 days ago to remove a urinary tract blockage. They removed the block and put in a catheter and today he is home with me awaiting his cystotomy surgery tomorrow morning at 7AM. I just walked in the room to discover that the cat had pulled off his E Collar and ripped out the catheter. Is it necessary that I take him to an emergency clinic today to put the catheter back in or can I wait until his surgery tomorrow morning for it to be put back in. Note: I saw him try to go pee a few minutes ago, but almost nothing came out. When I touched his bladder area, he didn't wince or moan though. I'm using all of my savings for the surgery and I don't really have additional funds to put another catheter in, especially at the cost an emergency clinic will charge, but if it is necessary, I will take him in today. What should I do?
- Thank you.


I would wait at this point unless he gets distressed.  I would also let the clinic know that they had not properly fastened the Elizabeth collar.  He should not have been able to get it off!!!!!!!

Please let me know how the surgery goes.

Concerned regards... Norm.