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cat fight left cat in shock


My cat had a fight Sat %26 stayed out all day when i found him he was tremblingly bad but would not let me bring him home Left him all night brought him in Sun morn he is 14yrs old Put him in a comfy box he will not drink or come out of box I feed him 1oz of food %26 he purred what should i do he does not seem to be hurt that i have found except just limped on front paw how long to cats stay in shock after a cat fight please help THANKYOU

Hi Elaine,

First off you need to see if he is still in shock. Lift his lip and see what color his gums and lips are. If they are very pale or white then he is. If they are pink then he is not. He needs to go to the vet if he is still in shock. Pale gums can also mean that he is bleeding internally. If he isn't in shock then I would say that he is more traumatized by the fight. Shock is usually a immediate or almost immediate response to trauma. Keep him warm.

You write that he is will not come out of his box and his front paw seems to be injured. He may have have other injuries that you cannot see. These injuries may be causing him pain. This may be why he is acting the way he is. You should get him to a vet to be checked over.  Your vet will be able to help you here. Good luck.

Ciao, Karen