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Female cat acting like a Male?


OK about 4 weeks ago we brought my brothers cat to our house. and my cat that I have had for 3 years, who has been around my other 2 since she was born is the head of the pecking order. but ever since we broght My bro. cat here shes been spraying her place. like a Male. its not a lot but Its to much. I love my cat and dont want to have to give her away. my husband Cant stand it. Shes Even Marked my sons head..that was the last Straw. I want to work with her but how?

Hi Shanna,

Have you heard of the term 'CopyCat'? Basically cats learn from each other very quickly. However, female cats normally do not spray. Has your cat been sterilised? Did she just go around spraying the place for no reason or did anyone pull her tail?
