Pet Information > ASK Experts > Cats > Cats > i have 2 , wk old kittens that were rejected from momma

i have 2 , wk old kittens that were rejected from momma


i have been feeding the 2 kittens with a dropper, and feeding them baby formula, not sure if its ok, they are eating and push away when there done, but doing good, wondering if its ok, i got them from a friend, she had no time to take care of them, so i took them in, any help would be appreciated thank you so much lana barnhouse

Hi Lana,
I answered this, then lost it, so you may get this message twice.

If you can, buy some Kitten Milk Replacement, called KMR at a pet shop, or maybe Walmart carries it.  It will have the nutrients they need and is better for them.  Also, instead of using a dropper, a baby bottle is better as the kittens need to suck the milk in order to prevent the milk from getting in the lungs.  This is very important. You can buy bottles to feed kittens at any petshop or Vet clinic.
Another thing, you need to make sure they urinate and defecate to prevent problems with their system backing up which can be fatal.  A mother cat will lick on her babies which will start the process.  You,as a surrogate mom, will need to take a warm, damp cloth, and rub on their genitals to make them "go".  Be sure to do this after every feeding and in between.  This is very important!
Good luck with your new babies!!  And thank YOU for taking the time to care for these little orphans!!

God Bless,