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What is wrong with my kitten


Hi, I just got a kitten yesterday from a friend of mine and it is only 7 1/2 weeks old. I gave it some milk on the first night and it puked later that night, the next day I went out and bought all different kinds of food for it and he wouldn't try any the only things he will eat are whole milk and cats milk from the store but he keeps puking what should i do?


Make sure the milk isn't cold, that makes them vomit if they are little. Your kitten may be lactose intolerant and any milk products will may him sick if he is. He may have worms also.
Try giving him canned chicken broth, like Swansons.
He may be nervous about a new home which could be making him throwup.

The best thing to do would be to take him to the vet for a health checkup. He may have something wrong or a blockage in his intestines.
