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Fixed Calico Cat Meowing With a Stuffed Animal


Sometimes my fixed female calico cat likes to walk around with a stuffed animal in her mouth meowing. At the same time she walks like a raccoon and she kneads the bed, carpet with her paws. Any ideas why she is doing this? It's okay during the day, but sometimes she does this at night while we are trying to sleep. Should I hide her stuffed animal? Also, sometimes she meows without a stuffed animal in her mouth, since my boyfriend trained her to get up at 4:00 in the morning unintentionally. She wants him to feed her and to let her out in the backyard. I would like to train her to get up around 7:00 like she use to. Any answers for both questions would be greatly appreciated.

Hi Ruzya,

I had to laugh about this. I have one of mine that does the same. We say Toby has his kill again. I believe that it is just a residual behavior of being a little hunter. She is telling you that she has got something small and furry. Let her have her stuffed animal. Actually get a couple of others and make a game for her of it. Hide them, (but not too hidden), and let her "catch" her prey. The kneading is just her exhibiting her happiness and contentment.

To retrain her will just take a little time and patience on your part. When she comes to you at 4am you have to either ignore her or remove her from the room. Then at 7am you need to make a big deal of feeding her. Tap the can of food and call her with a special phrase. For mine I use "Breakfast Bar is Open!" They come running when they hear that. She will get the picture in about two weeks. Just make sure you don't give in and feed her at 4. Good luck.

Ciao, Karen