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my 9 yr old cat in heat


Hi I have a 9 yr old cat in heat, she has a heart condition that keeps her from being spayed .what can I do to make her more comfortable during this uncomfortable time and will this last her life time ? Iam keeping her  away from the rest of my 19 cats but they are all spayed and nuetered  but she is a pest to them


Wow, this is a bit of a sticky wicket. Remember, I am not a vet, and I know of no medication that reliably keeps a female out of heat safely for an extended period of time.  Often by age 9, they have usually "spayed" themselves (kind of like human menopause). I would not embark on any kind of hormone therapy without double checking with a cardio-vascular veterinarian.

Often with females in season, you just have to endure it until they come out.

Best of luck with this unfortunate situation, but I would be contacting a veterinarian for better advice. BTW, we have tried some of those herbal "remedies" with no results!!!!!!!!

Best regards... Norm.