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redirected aggression


about twice a year my cat exhibits redirected aggression towards me.  Stimulus is unknown, happens out of the blue.  Last episode was dangerous as she bit me.  she is 7, normal weight, indoor only, no other animals in house.  She generally takes at least 24 hrs to "snap out of it" and I do all that i'm supposed to do. ex. locking her in a quiet room etc.  even though it doesn't always seem like it happens around a time when i have been away that is the only common thread i can come up with.  although this last episode had nothing to do with me being away. my vet gave me reconcile 8mg.  do you think this is the best med. for her considering i'd be medicating her everyday for a behavior she only exhibits once or twice a yr. yet the occurs of these episodes are unpredictable.  is  this a safe and effective drug?  what are your suggestions. again no know cause of the redirected aggression.

I'm not a professional, so I really can't recommend any type of drug... did you explain to your vet that it only happens twice a year? It does seem like a bad idea to give her medication all the time for something that happens so rarely.

Does she get catnip treats regularly? Is there any specific time it happens? Like around Christmas, or when the weather changes, and if you change her food or water source? Are there any chemicals she could be exposed to, like cleaning fluids, that might cause her to be so hyper? Has this been happening for her entire life, or did it just recently begin?

If she's been vaccinated you shouldn't have anything to worry about (health wise) concerning the bite...but it is unacceptable behavior.

Sometimes scent can be the worst trigger to animals. If you're wearing a new perfume, if you met another cat or dog at the park and their scent was left on your clothes, or even if you're wearing a material(shirt/shoes/pants/skirt/etc) that offends can cause her to act out.

I would suggest writing a list for the next few times it happens. Make your list as follows...including
- What you're wearing(incl. makeup, perfume, clothes)
- What season/month
- The weather(extreme humidity, dryness, cold, rainy, etc)
- What she's eating(new foods?)
See if you can find any common factors.

As for now.. when she starts tearing around, put her in a crate. Cover the crate with a blanket, or place it in a dark area. Give her a bit of time to relax...
Sometimes when cats act out, it's because they need exercise! Buy a small cat harness(pet stores, walmart, even some grocery stores sell them) and a long leash. Let your cat out in your yard, if you have a backyard that's even better. Supervise of course.. sometimes letting "kitty" tear around outside, where she wont hurt anything, can improve anxious behavior. wishes :)