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male cat


Hi...  i have a male cat 1.5 years old , and i have made him a Castration operation 1 year ago , but i noticed in the last 2 weeks that he is putting a doll beneath him as he is sleeping with it  besides that he is trying to jump over my female cat also.
do you think this is possible ??.... or the operation was not successful enough.


If your cat was indeed castrated (the testicles were removed) and not given a vasectomy (the testicles would remain in place with the vas deferens being tied off to prevent reproduction) then his mounting behaviour could simply be an issue of dominance in terms of your female cat. As for the doll that he's been sleeping on top of this may simply be that he likes the doll, I have read of instances where a neutered male cat will still develop an attachment to an object and have sexual type encounters (albeit unproductive ones) with that object, but this is quite uncommon. You can remove the doll from him if you'd prefer that he doesn't develop an intimate attachment to it and use basic techniques like squirting him with a water pistol when he tries to mount your female cat to see if that makes any difference in his behaviour towards her.

You may want to have your vet check him over just to ensure that he doesn't have anything going on with his urinary tract in terms of infections or blockages because some male cats will behave oddly if they are experiencing discomfort around their genital area. If you have any further cat related questions or concerns please feel free to contact me again - I'm happy to help in any way that I can.

Kind regards,
