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Excessive Meowing


Hi Norman

I just wanted to say thank you for the prompt response.
The cat can come and go as she pleases, I just think she is lazy as well as geriatric and can't be bothered to walk into mine or my parents bedroom from the landing without letting us know shes there!

I am thinking of investing in some earplugs!

Thanks again for the advice

Kind Regards

Erika :)-------------------------

Followup To

Question -
Dear Norman

I was wondering whether you could help me and my family.
We have 2 cats, brother and sister (who we have had since 9 weeks old.) They are now 17 years old.

The female cat started excessively meowing approx a year ago throughout the night. At first she would meow a couple of times and then would go to sleep/go out and that would be it. It has now got to a stage where she is meowing on and off throughout the entire night and it isn't until you get up out of bed and bring her to bed that she will shut up for a little while.

However if she then goes out again after a  sleep, she will meow again until you pick her up and once again bring her back to bed. Sometimes you have to get up 6 or 7 times so that you can get some sleep!

There are no changes with regards to our situation e.g the other cat hasn't passed away, or anything that would suggest an obvious reason for her doing this.

Do you know why she is doing this? and is there any way to stop it as me and my family are constantly tired. She is in good health otherwise, apart from going slighty deaf.

Any answers would be gratefully appreciated.

Thank you

Kind Regards

Erika :)

Answer -

First of all, at 17 years, the cats should be considered geriatric.  Have you had her to the vet to see if there is a physical problem?

Secondly, by responding the way you have your cat has trained you to take her to bed if she constantly meows.  The question I must ask is why can she not sleep with you on her own?  Why must you go out and fetch her?

I know how persistent cats can be and how difficult it is to ignore them when they "whine".  It reminds me of todlers when they have to first sleep ij their own bed in their own room and cry until mommy or daddy comes and gets them.

I wish I could help you more in this, but, if there is no physical problem, you need to see if there is a way she can come and go as she pleases and not have to meow to get you to do it.  If she could come and go as she pleases, I would ignore her (difficult as that may be).

Good luck and best regards... Norm.  


I am glad you are looking at ear plugs.  The kind you can get from the airlines for sleeping on long or overnight flights are the most comfortable.

I was going to suggest ear plugs, but thought it might sound flippant.

Best regards... Norm.