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kitten urinating on bed


My 5 month old tom kitten has urinated on my bed a few times now. he has even done it when i've been asleep, on top of me!? i have noticed that he seems to scratch the bed before he does it! but he uses the litter tray normally and hasn't been to the toilet anywhere else in the house! why is he doing this, and how can i stop him!? please help, i've been through 3 duvets now in the past few months!! ben xx

Hi Ben,

Is kitten fixed yet? If not, this could be the cause of it. It sounds like it might be a bit of a dominance issue- he is marking you as 'his'. If he isn't fixed, I'd get him neutered as soon as possible, this could put an end to it.

When you're cleaning, make sure you use a product specially designed to remove urine scent, otherwise he'll think that it is an ok area to go to the bathroom.

Good luck, I hope this helps.