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I have a 6 month old male coon cat named bojangles. he is already quite big. he doesnt really cause any problems, and he doesnt even scratch furniture. the only problem comes when my boyfriend and i try to go to sleep. he attacks our feet, tries to eat my hair, purrs at the top of his lungs, walks all over us, and so on. that's not the big problem though; i can deal with that. i really like having him sleep in bed with us and most of the time he does just curl up and sleep. the problem is that i wake up in the middle of the night to him licking my lips and trying to get his nose in my mouth. it's disgusting. we have a date to get him fixed, do you think this will help?

Hi, Lottie.  I'm glad you are being responsible and having him neutered!  However, I don't think that's going to help with his behavior.  Kittens sometimes do weird things like that.  I can't say I really understand why, but I do find that it improves as they grow up.  I've got a pair of kittens, and the male is always trying to lick my mouth when I sleep.

As for now, locking him out of the room when he does this will help him to realize it's bothersome to you.  If he wants the privilege of sleeping with you, he'll have to stop.  I know you really hate to do it.  I love to sleep with my kitties.  But they learn pretty quickly with this method.  I can almost guarantee you'll see things get better soon.