Pet Information > ASK Experts > Cats > Cats > ORPHAN KITTY CONSTIPATION



Hi Teresa, I am hand rearing an orphan kitty that we found at 1 week old and he/she is now 2 weeks old on KMR bottle feedings. It seems constipated and has not had a BM yesterday or today with stimulation of anus. I have read to give a drop of Mineral Oil or Katalax 1cc in feeding. I this OK? Also, it sleeps for long hours 8-14 hours at a time and I must wake it to feed it most recently. Is this normal? I thought they should want to feed every 4 hours at this age. Active and appears healthy otherwise. Thanks.

Hi Joan, this is a common problem when kittens are on KMR> I would dilute the KMR a bit... about 20% more than it is. The kitten will still be getting plenty of nourishment but what they really need at this stage is lots of liquid. You can also add a tiny bit... about 1/2 teaspoon of pumpkin per feeding. It thickens up the KMR and it helps with any digestive problem including constipation. Introduce the pumpkin at only one feeding per day. You don't want to overdo it.. and yes, the kitten should be feeding about every 5-6 hours at this age. So, it seems like he is getting too much from the KMr and is not waking up. A little water in the KMR will get him hungry a little sooner and keep him hydrated and pooping better. Just leave the mineral oil for now... and see if this works.. if not, we can look at PLAN B :)
BUT>>> it sounds like you are doing a great job. It is not an easy job.. hand rearing an orphan kitty! So, keep up the good work. Teresa