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Dear Sir: I have a 12 year old female cat who has a constipation problem. I have been giving her a remedy I bought at a cat show that deals with constipation and it is working, however, I would rather put her on something natural or organic. I have read about psylliuim husk powder for cats but would like to know if I buy it in the health food store in a form that is meant for humans, can I give it to my cat? If so, does it come in organic form and what would be the dosage.? She is about 14.6 lbs. Also, is there a chance she could be allergic to it? She has an itching problem, she is on special food that is supposed to cure that. Has been on it for about 4 months but she is still itching. Can she be alleric to what I am giving her for the constipation and is it possible she would be allergic to the php? I know this is alot to ask but no one seems to be able to tell me anything. Vet wants to put her on kitty prozac for the scratching and I wont do that....thank you so much.


At age 12 your cat is considered geriatric. So, her systems may not operate like they used to!

I am not a vet, but I have used can pumpkin (do not get the pie filling!!!!) to help regulate cats' GI tracts. You can also try unflavored yoghurt. I have had vets try Metamucil.

I know nothing about psyllium husk powder, but cats are often allergic to wheat, corn, soy and gluten, so, who knows. I would try to get to the bottom of the allergy and take her off any foods that contain corn, wheat, soy, gluten, or, even, cranberry. Food allergies are often a bear to nail down.

In my opinion, all the Prozac will do is mask the symptoms.  It does sound as if she is at a good weight.

Please let me know what happens.

Best regards... Norm.