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Hi Jessica:
I have a 21 year old that has had hyperthyroidism, for the last six years. He had surgery to remove one gland which was unsucessful.  He takes Methimazole for the Thyroid problem.  He has had an Epileptic seizure which occured two days after the surgery, and has constant twiching.  He takes Phenobarb for that problem.  He also takes Lotensin for kidney and liver problems, and Torbutrol Oral Suspesion for pain because his back legs kept failing him.  The vets thought it was Arthritis. The Vet gave him Cyproheptadine to stimulate appetite because he wasn't eating due to thyroid problem, however the side affects are not good.  He loses much of his motor skills,and seams to go into a trance with only a very small fraction of the prescribed dose.  I am looking for a better alternative to stimulate appitite that will not have the adverse affects.  One recommedation by a Vet was a medication called Xobaline,but through research I find it stimlates  metabolism, which is not what I am trying to do, because he only weighs 5.2 pounds.  The Vets also recommende B-12 shots, but I do not what to subject him to that dicomfort.  I give him a wide varity of canned and dried cat food, but he only takes a couple of licks and walks away.  Please can you help by recommending something to stimulate his appitite. Thank you.

The only other possibilities I know of are Valium, which would be likely to cause drowsiness, and an anabolic steroid, stanozolol.  Last I knew, the makers of Winstrol (a brand of stanozolol) were back ordered on the tablet form, and it was available as an injectible only.  With all his medications and medical conditions, though, I'm not sure if an anabolic steroid would be contraindicated.

I would think twice about the B-12.  Though it does cause a little sting, it only needs to be given every three days, and the discomfort of the injection probably pales in comparison to constant hunger pains, nausea and exhaustion he's feeling now.  Vitamin B can help alleviate all of that.