Pet Information > ASK Experts > Cats > Cats > SPAYING AND BEHAVIOUR



I've got to female cats. Mother and Daughter, three and one years old
respectively. They were both spayed the same day about six days ago. The
daughter used to be all love and licks with her mother, they played and
snuggled together for their nap. After the operation they hiss to each other all
the time, they have even gotten into several confrontations. They can't stand
each other. Do you know anything about that?

Hello.  I think you're likely seeing the results of the negative experience of the spay, which they now associate with each other, the smell of the vets, which they smelled on each other after returning home, and the soreness they are still feeling during recovery.  I would separate them completely for now.  I'd give them a week apart, and then try introducing them slowly during playtime or mealtime.  These are positive experiences they can learn to associate with each other to help repair their relationship.