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I was wondering.. How do you know if its too late to treat a cat of UTI?  My cat is an indoor/outdoor cat and a couple weeks ago he peed on the floor and I saw it was red.. Like all red, no pink or whatever.. And I didn't no what it was... then last nite he peed on my bed.. And it was red again.. so I looked it up and found UTI... I'm taking him 2 the vet 2day but I just want to know how long cats can live with it without being treated until they can't live with it anymore.

Hi Kaitlyn and bless you for running him into the Vet ASAP!

I had a boy cat that as he got older, had more UTI's so we researched this thoroughly, like you.  I'm sure your Vet will tell you this, but try to catch the infection right away - our boy would pee ON me in bed when he first would get sick, so off to the Vet we would go.  But, the first time we knew nothing... this CAN lead to a total blockage (yep, our boy got this), and then they must be rushed into emergency surgery or die.  

This is very serious, but Kaitlyn... a treatment of antibotics will help your sweet one get through this!  I personally would get him through all the antibotics then toss his old litter box out and start fresh.  Once a month I literally toss all the old litter no matter what, and disinfect everyone's boxes - ugh I know : -)

The only way our "kids" know how to tell us they are sick is by wetting either ON us, or in front of us to say - HEY I'm sick please help - this was his sign to you to get him help.  I'm so glad you have the appointment and please let me know how it goes ok?

Bless you for being a GREAT kitty mom!
