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Mother cat being sexually assaulted by her sons


Well, I have two males cats and one female. The female cat is the mother of the two male cats; the male cats are around a year old now;one of the cats is black and the other is gray. Recently, the cats have been showing strange behavior towards each other. Strange as it may seem, one of the male cats, the black one, is attacking the mother and trying to have intercourse with her. He will grab his mothers neck to hold her down, and the mother will turn her neck around to fend him off. The other male cat, the gray one, will fight will fight with his brother, the black cat and seek attention from the mother cat; his mother refuses his attention and growls and hisses at him. They will continually follow their mother around the house. It seems like something is going on, and I'm not sure how to handle the situation. I tried picking up one of the cats to separate them, the gray one, and it showed violent behavior towards me.

The gray cat has been less aggressive towards the mother cat than the black cat. The black cat is always trying to get near her.

Also The mother cat has had a litter of 4 babies 1 month ago, and recently we have given away 2.

Hi Allen,

There are no maternal ties to cats like we have with our parents. If a cat is in heat then any male around will try to mate with her. The black cat sounds like the dominant Tom cat. The litter she had may be from mating with one of the two males. You need to get her fixed. This will stop all of this. Getting the males fixed and her not will still cause problems. Ideally, all should be fixed. Good luck.

Ciao, Karen