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Odor Elimination/Behavior


I actually have two questions and any advice or suggestions would be very helpful at this point. I adopted a cat from a family about nine months ago and I believe he may be about a year or so old. Currently he has taken to drinking water out of every cup he can get to even though he has fresh water available to him for his own use. I shoo him away but I'm not sure what to do to keep him from doing it again?
  My second question involves odor..I live in an apartment so there is limited space for a liter box and though I put it in a room that is not often used I must leave the door open in order for him to have access. I've found that after he has taken a "healthy use" of the box the odor has drifted all through the apartment. I've considered an automatic cleaner but they can take up to 10minutes to active I need something that will quickly and effectively stop the odor from permeating throughout the apartment.
Thank you for your time!

Hi Sara,

Sounds like he likes your fresh water. Here's something he might really like to drink his water from.
Works great.

Usually stinky poohs are from the type of cat food he is eating. Try changing him over to a low or no grain type. EVO, Wellness, Natures Variety all make good foods. Change him over gradually.

I also use Arm and Hammer Carpet powder in  my litter. Helps with odor control. Sprinkle a little on the bottom of the pan and on top of the litter whenever you scoop. This should help. The food will make the biggest difference. Good luck and let me know how these things work.

Ciao, Karen