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new cat with old cat


the cat i have now is a female that is 9 years old and i am getting a female kitten ( 6-8 weeks old) in a few days. i was wondering how i can get them to like each other. the older cat isn't as friendly to other cats as i would like. how can i get them to live in peace. anyhelp will be great.

Introducing them slowly is the key.  Also, make sure not to disturb any of your older cat's routines or possessions.  She should have her own food, water, litter box, bedding and toys.

The new kitten should be kept in a separate room at first with all her own belongings.  Allow her to settle in for a day or two before attempting to introduce the kitties.

Introductions should start with brief visits a few times a day.  15 minutes works well for most.  I would keep the kitten in a crate and allow them to sniff at each other through it.  This will help prevent a fight from breaking out.

Time really is all it takes.  Once they can look at each other through the crate without snarling and hissing, try feeding the two of them in the same room at the same time (without the crate) at opposite ends of the room.  Use extra yummy food, such as canned Fancy Feast.  Move their bowls closer together each day, until they're eating side by side.  They will learn to associate the pleasant food with each other.

You can also try a product called Feliway to reduce stress.  It would be good to start using immediately.  It's available in a spray or in a plug-in diffuser, called Comfort Zone for cats, and is available at pet stores and many places online.