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need advice about adding a 3 neutered male (possibly alpha) cat


Hi there,

I have 2 male neutered cats and am considering adding a 3rd.  I do not know if this 3rd cat is an alpha male, however I do have an alpha male already in my home.  (My 2nd cat is laid back and they both get along.)  

The cat I'm considering is a friend's.  He's been described as laid back, gets along with other cats (altho I don't know if he's been around other males, I only he's been with females), will defend himself if provoked, and is a lovebug.  My friend isn't a "cat person" so she doesn't understand what I mean when I asked if he's an alpha cat.  

I am wondering if I should adopt this cat or not.  I've told her that the best way might be to bring my alpha male and her cat together, in cages, into a neutral area and see what happens.  I don't want this cat to be hurt, since my Daniel has been known to bite and scratch other cats.  Your advice is welcomed and truly appreciated.  Thank you!

Hi Lynda,

Three neutered males should get along fine together. The neutral meet may not work as they both will be scared.  I would use a cat intro protocol for multiple cat household. Here's a link for one.

I would also use this stuff,(or something similar). It will make life a little easier.

They may scuffle a bit at first but will settle in. Good luck and take care.

Ciao, Karen