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My cat stopped labor


Hi there. I have a 2yr old cat who had 2 babies 46 hours ago. The first she ate!OMG! The second one bas born dead =(. I seem to feel atleast another one in her tummy but no kitty still. She is acting like nothing ever happened and she is eating and drinking. If what I am feeling is not a kitty...Is it possible for her to only have had 2? It is her first litter. I called the emergency vet and the lady told me that the fact that she is not in distress and she seems content makes her feel that maybe it's her intestines..?

Hi Jessica, well the only way to know FOR SURE would be to get an ultrasound done on her. Normally if a cat is relaxed and eating then there is nothing else in her. Often the uterus can be mistaken for a kitten. There is even some slow movement as the uterus is contracting! If you get kicked then there is a kitten... but if the last kitten is dead you should be able to feel it quite clearly anyways...the legs are  quite distinctive when you feel them, and not like anything else that would be in there...
You can wait it out or get her checked.