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scardie cats

20 16:43:48

I have a four y.o. longhair orange tabby. He's a lovely little guy,
very vocal. He's not that overt wth his friendliness though he's
improving. My reason for asking a question here is that he is the
most skittish creature I've ever encountered. The slightest thing
can send him flying; look out for the claws. I worry sometimes,
are cats like this suseptible to heart attacks? I imagine it's not a
concern now but what about when he's older?


How long have you had this cat?  If you haven't had him long, maybe with his new environment, he will get over his skittishness.  I do know that lots of cats are like him.  Sometimes they outgrow it and sometimes they don't.  I have never heard of this giving them heart-attacks though.  Unless a cat has a pre-existing heart problem, I don't think you have to worry about him having an attack.  

Good Luck!  Merry Christmas!  And please write again if I can be of further help.
