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wont use litter box!


theres a coner in my apartment that my cats keep peeing and pooping in. they have a litter box and use it, but they still pee on the carpet.  they have food and water and we're nice to them.  why do they do it and how do we break them from doing it?  thanks

Well for starters, once they've done it once, if you don't clean up using the right type of cleaning product, they will go back and do it again. To really clean up you will have to by an enzyme based cleaner that is made for pet stains such as Nature's Miracle. Clean up well with this. Next, I would be concerned about what provoked this to start off. Do they ever see other cats, say outside cats that pass by your window or door? Or do your cats go out at times? If any of these kinds of things are possible they may have started this to mark their territory. Some cats do this. Have you r cats been spayed or neutered? If not, doing this can help with territoriality and therefore help with the litter box problems. Its aso the healthy and responsible thing to do. If none of this applies, I would also be concerned that their may be a medical problem such as a urinary tract problem. So first, you must clean up really well with the right kinds of cleaners. If they may be getting provoked by other animals try to prevent that, possibly by relocating the litter pan. Get them spayed/neutered if they aren't yet. See how things are after that. It should improve. If it doesn't you may have to consider a medical issue is possible and see your vet. It is possible that only one cat has a medical problem which started this but after he/she went outside the litter pan, your other cat(s) did the same because the scent was there.