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Scared cat biting owner


I have two cats. One is fine. They are both fixed.  The female cat is friendly but will hiss at the smaller cat.  He is constantly afraid, and will run away.  I had to pick him up, he bit me hard and wouldn't let go.  It was a deep gash, lots of blood.  He also has claws and will fight if scared or approached.  I've tried behavior methods with only temporary results.  Are there drugs that can calm him down.  He is frightened all the time, hides in one corner, eyes dilated never purrs or rubs up against anything or cleans himself.   It's like he's in fight-for-your-life mode 24 hours a day.

Hi Jo,

I would take kitty to a vet and get some medication prescribed.  Your female cat is just trying to assert herself as the 'top cat' in the house, this is normal. I would worry about little kitty, his behaviour is extreme.

If you don't want to take him to the vet right away, some home remedies are a product called 'Rescue Remedy', it is a product for humans but is fine for cats- put a few drops in his water. It sounds to me like you're going to need something a bit stronger for your little guy (I'm basing this on the fact that you've tried behaviour modification and it doesn't seem to be working) Cats are like people in a lot of ways, they get depressed or have aggression issues. Your vet can diagnose something that will help.

Good luck, I hope it all goes well.