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My budgies wont breed!!!!

23 9:54:28

Hey Amber.
How r ya doin? hope ur fine...! it's just that i have got one question about my pair of budgie. My pair of budgies won't breed i have been trying for nearly over a year now. I have got a pair together in a cage with a nestbox and they have seed fresh water daily and they get greens and vegetables every weekend(sat and sun) and they also have millet. I have been trying o breed them so in order to do that i went ont he internet and looked at books and researched quite a lot about them and how to breed them. Some sites say that budgies need to hear and see other budgies in order to breed them, so i went to the petshop and bought a pair of budgies. I have them in a seperate cages next to the cage with the pair that i want to breed. I've had the new pair for about 2 months now but still the pair that i want to breed won't breed. they chit chat together all day whistling and so forth.....but still nothing and the pair don't even care about the nest box. they never ever go inside the nest box, the male or the female never go in they don't even investigate the nest box like they don't peek their heads into it and look around or anything. I think that they're a bonded pair beacause they preen each ther but i dnt ever see them regurgitating to each other either. I am positive that they're male and female because the female has got a brown cere and the male has got a blue cere. It is spring at the moment and the male and females cere have got into the breeding colour. The male's cere is dark dark blue with a hint of light blue and the female's cere is dark brown and crusty but still they don't pay any attention to the nest box. Their cage is positioned where they get sunlight 24/7 but only half of the cage is sunlight and the other half is shady. Can you please HELP ME !!!!! u are my last hope!!! can u please tell me what i am doing wrong and why won't they breed....!!! thank you very much
Sincerely Frank
P.S can u please reply to my email.

Hello Frank! From what you tell me, your budgies are completly healthy and should breed. Iv never have had a problem with breeding a male and a female, but esp. if its their first time breeding, they may actully not know what to do! seems quite silly. Since they are not feeding eachother then they might not be a true pair. Some keets, even male and female, that are put together might not breed because they simply to not like eachother "that way" Keets usally bond for life (unless you have a perverted bird like i have *shifty eyes* *sighs*) they will pick their mates and wont mate with just any female. Before you go off to buy another bird, try these breeding tips that will encourage breeding to the max. (if you do all of these and they still dont get into breeding then we'll go to plan B)
-Fresh, lightly circulating air in the breeding room but without the slightest draft.
-A constant room temperature between 59 and 64 degrees F
-An air humidity of 60%. Set up a humidifier and dont hang the nesting box near a radiators.
-Long hours of daylight with some sunlight (which you seem to do already)
If all else fails and they do not show any signs of courtship then switch or buy another female (or since you have more birds if one of them is a male or female you can switch them) the birds wont really care if they get switched. Most budgies are happy with any budgie. A new partner may court the female or the female will respond by looking in the box or teasing the male. If that doesnt work, start fresh. Put the other birds in the normal cage and put some new birds in the breeding cage. Eventully you will be successful, because once budgies begin to breed , they dont stop. But like in the beginning of what i said, just wait and see if you notice any differnt behavoir. For extra food put eggfood or a cuttle bone (if you dont have one already in there) in the cage. Otherwise, its not you whos doing anything wrong, some budgies are picky breeders. Keep up the good work!