Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Budgies > Baby Budgies beaks indented

Baby Budgies beaks indented

23 9:44:17

I think that the mother has bitten the three baby's beaks because they look pretty flat and indented instead of a normal curved parrot beak... will they return and grow back to normal or will their beaks remain indented?

As long as it does not interfere with eating or drinking water your parakeets should be fine. A birds beak is like a fingernail or toenail, it will grow back to whatever way nature has intended it to. Like some people, birds may have a deformity in their beaks, toenails or fingernails. Only time will tell as to how the beak will grow back. Just keep an eye on them and provide a picking stone or pedicure style perch so that the birds can naturally trim their own beaks.