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death of chick at 2 weeks

23 9:54:42

Our young hen laid 4 eggs but only one hatched. He seemed to be doing well and seemed very strong vocally.  He reached the age of 2 weeks and his feathers had started to come through.  On checking him everyday his head and neck seemed very loose and he always had his head down.  Yesterday he lay on his head as though tiping over and I could not see his head or face well to see if his eyes were beginning to open.  Alas today he has died.  Can  you shed any light this was our very first attempt and we are very sad.

Hello Janet! sorry that i am getting to you late. Normally i answer Q's right away, but iv had a lot of school work and i had to take care of the animals (which takes a good 5 hours out of my time)so i apologizen for i know your questions are very important.

First off i am sorry about your poor little baby, its always sad when they make it past a couple weeks and die :'(
Chick deformities in the neck, legs or wings is mostly unknown unless examined by a vet. They are explinations to why it happened but it might not be 100% true. The mother could have sat of the chick the wrong way when very young and slightly injured his neck. Since the chick is so young he of course didnt have any strength to fully recover and his neck just stayed bent. A rye neck could also be caused by vitamin defecencies. Some babies are born with not enough minerals to properly support the growth of their bones and will become handicapped. Another possible explination is if you noticed his neck bent after he started to get feathers he may have fallen out of the nest and fractured his spine. Its not very common for this to happen to chicks. And also a first mothers clutch usaully never survives and on the second time around they do a much better job of raising the young. Dont get discouraged, let them breed again and hopfully they will have some babies live to be wonderful adults. good luck!