Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Budgies > I wan to know if u can put two girl budgies and one male budgie in the same cage?

I wan to know if u can put two girl budgies and one male budgie in the same cage?

23 9:51:11

see, i have two females, I'm pretty sure and i want to know if i can put a male in or will the birds fight for him? i don't want to harm them but i want to get baby budgies.

Dear Lizzy,
thank you for your question.
It's better to get two males because then there won't be one budgie left out, an even number is always better if you keep only a small number of budgies. It's possible that they won't breed, budgies are choosy about their partners and may not pair up even when they get along just fine (which is usually the case).
I recommend contacting a good breeder and/or joining a budgie club before breeding them. There are a lot of things that can go wrong and it's best if you have people who can help and advise you. It's also better to learn about genetics first. You can find breeders and more info on budgie breeding here:
I hope I was of some help to you