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23 9:51:50

QUESTION: i sure will if i put like the nesting box today when do you think the female will start checking out he box then laying??

ANSWER: Hello Alvin,

Budgies are very curious and she will probably start checking the box out as soon as it gets in there. After the budgies mate, the female will probably lay the eggs 1-2 weeks after. She will incubate the eggs for 18-21 days. Good luck with the breeding!

Hope this helped!

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---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: can corncob bedding,the thing you put at the bottom of the cage also be used for the nesting box??plus theres 2site that says different things.
budgieplace says to put pine shavings and another says to put nothing which one is better.and so you dont forget can i use corncob bedding the thing you put at the botom of the cage to put in the nesting box?thanks alvin

ANSWER: Hello Alvin,

Yes, corncob bedding is fine if you really want to use it. It wouldn't be the most softest or very comfortable for the female and chick though. What i did with my budgies that worked well was take a regular paper towel and fold it to the size of the nest box. When the female goes in there she may just leave it the way it is or tear it up it to little soft pieces. This is soft and comfortable and you could always replace the paper towel. But really most budgies don't like anything in there nest. But if you put the corncob stuff in the box it would be hard for her to remove it if she didn't like it. The paper towel can be removed if she wants it out.

Hope I was able to help and thanks for the question!

(any other questions feel free to ask and don't forget to rate the answer!)


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: ok and on it says to put a newspaper at the bottom of the cage,when i do that they eat it i8 dont think they tear it up because i dont see the thrown away pieces so i think they eat and thats y i took the newspaper out

Hello Alvin,

I agree, i put newspaper in my budgies cage and they did the same thing. I use the corncob bedding now. The ink on the newspaper could be toxic if the birds ingest it. But, newspaper is fine if you have the metal grate to go over the newspaper so the birds can't get to it. If you don't have a grate than i wouldn't recommend using the paper.

Hope this helps!
Thanks for the question!

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