Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Budgies > budgie is squeaking

budgie is squeaking

23 9:49:51

QUESTION: i have a female budgie,i have had her for 3 years,for the past week she has started to squeak every day could she be poorly.

ANSWER: I don't really understand your question.  Can you clarify a bit?

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: the female is albino,alsc i have a male which i have had two weeks since i have had the male,the female is squeaking a lot which she does not normally do that

She may just be getting used to having another bird around.  Budgies are very social, and its perfectly normal for them to talk to each other.  Does the male squeak back?

Depending on where you live, they may also think its breeding time.  Changes in season can sometimes get them ready to breed.  Has the male been pacing or bobbing his head up and down?

From what you've told me, there's nothing to worry about.
Best of luck,