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budgie lost face feathers

23 9:52:16

my 7 yr-old Lucy lost all face feathers around eyes a week ago.  At first I thought the male was plucking them off. I immediately moved her to a separate cage from the other 2 and put a light to warm her. She is eating and her droppings are okay. I don't see any mites. Her cere looks normal too. All 3 birds eat vitamin fortified seeds, romaine lettuce and dried wheat bread. I'm very worried. Help!

Hi, Mary,

Scaly-face mites are too small to be seen by the naked eye.  Does this area resemble what a wart would look like (raised area of skin)?  If so, these are likely scaly-face mites.  If not, and the male preens this female, he may be overpreening her, not necessarily plucking them out.

Birds will continue to behave normally even when sick until they can't hide their illness any longer.  Vitamin fortified seed is a poor diet for a bird, romaine lettuce has no nutritional value at all, dried? wheat bread (why not soft wheat bread...this is good).  Therefore, perhaps this problem has a dietary meaning (poor diet) if it isn't scaly face mites.  

I recommend you visit a certified avian vet quickly if none of the above applies and the problem doesn't get better soon.
