Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Budgies > budgie wont eat cuttlebone

budgie wont eat cuttlebone

23 9:52:16

i have two budgies, a male and a female,
i have a cuttlebone set out for them but only the male will eat it.
my female's beaks getting long and she wont eat the cuttlebone, is there anything i can do to encourage her to eat the cuttlebone?

Hi, Susan,

If a bird won't eat cuttlebone, this usually means the bird doesn't need supplemental calcium, which is the main purpose for a cuttlebone.  You need to buy an item specifically made for keeping a bird's beak trimmed.  You may need to trim the budgie's beak yourself if it gets too long and she refuses to use a beak trimming tool/toy.  If you end up trimming the beak yourself, ask for guidance before attempting to do so.  Often times, beak overgrowth is the result of some medical and/or dietary problem.  Do you have your budgies on a healthy, nutritional diet of a variety of foods, pellets, etc.?  An all-seed diet is a poor diet for a bird.
