Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Budgies > Budgie - Brown Feather Just above nose

Budgie - Brown Feather Just above nose

23 9:50:30

Hi, I have a budgie whose feathers just above his nose have turned brownish in color.  He doesn't seem to be sick in anyway.  He does reach down into his dish for his food which contains seed, vitamins and grit (combination of all three) is this brownish color from having his head in the seed.  I have not seen a budgie have this problem before.  As I said, he flys around the house and is full of energy and seems really healthy, but it does concern me that the feathers above his nose have gone brownish in color.  any ideas????

That certainly is strange.  Does he look more like this
or like this?
Does he scratch at the area?  How long has this been going on versus how long you've had him?  Get back to me, and I'll try to help, but from what you've given me, there's not much more I can tell you.