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parakeet companions

23 9:54:17

I have had 2 parakeets in a round cage, about 24" tall by 20" across.  The
male bird recently died.  Should i replace him right away?  Don't they fly in
flocks in the wild, and therefore it seems logical that she should have a
companion?  She seems ok by herself and I'm afraid that putting an entirely
new bird in there for her might be stressful.  What do you think?  

Also, I've read about the varied diet that keets should have, but my keets
never go for anything fresh. They just ignore it and gobble down lots of
millet.  It seems to be the thing that they eat the most.  I just got a canned
seed mix with dried fruit in it and she hasn't touched it.  Any advice?


Hello Don! Im sorry about your loss. Despite how it may feel getting a new one right away, your other one will be quite happy. Since like you said, they are very social birds and their flocks can be well into the thousands. When a companion dies they can get very depressed and they will usually accept a new member of their flock. A bird that is by herself would need much more attention from a human companion since she does not have a friend to preen or talk to her. I suggest getting another bird.

For the eating, your birds can have a very wonderful diet without all the hassle of fruits and veggies. keets enjoy parsley spritzed with water or long grass. They are grass eaters in the wild and love to chew on the sweet blades of the grass. They also like cuttlebones, a brown salt wheel, and egg food. Liten up on the millet and offer parsley. It may take them a couple days to try it, but trust me, they will give in eventully because they just seem to love it, my keets even bathe in it! hang the parsley like you would the millet spray. good luck!